Road to Recovery - Abby Dow


Worrying about how things might go wrong, doesn’t help things to go right.
Karen Salmansohn

Real Life

On April 9th this year, stand-out winger, Abby Dow of the English Red Roses women’s rugby team, suffered a horribly broken leg.

The initial prognosis was that it would be nine months before she would be able to play again – devastating news when the Women’s Rugby World Cup was in six months.

After having surgery on her injured leg, Dow embarked on an intensive rehab programme, to do all that she could to get strong enough, fast enough to make it to the world cup. Slowly, as the rate of progress increased, the nine-month time frame was reduced to six months, and there was hope that the rugby world cup might be possible for her.

As Dow worked at her rehab, her Sports Psychologist gave some wise advice. She said “if you can only be a 6 out of 10, then make it a 6 out of 6. Be the best you can be [at the level you are at]”. Dow embraced that mindset.

Dow was selected for the Women’s Rugby World Cup and had an outstanding tournament, scoring some crucial tries for her Red Roses team.

When faced with devastating circumstances it is easy to have fear and despair dominate us. But if we can try not to guess at the long-range outcome and just focus on what is required of us now, then there can be hope. Often the best mental space to be in during those difficult times, is to do our best with what we have and leave the end result to God.


When you have a personal faith, letting go of the end result is made a step easier, because we know who holds the future. We know that the God who loves us is in control. If we can choose to bring our concerns about our future to Him and leave them with Him, it gives us the strength and mental space to focus on doing our part well.

Bible Verse

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 21:1


Dear Lord, thank You that You hold my future. When I am faced with tough circumstances, help me not to overwhelmed by the negatives, but to entrust the outcome to You.


Author: Sarah Auld   |   Content Editor: Phil Pawley


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