We are here to help

All around New Zealand are services and resources that can help in your time of need.

Welcome to SCNZ's wellbeing support hub. Wellness is about our whole being - mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and physical. Listed are a collection of resources tailored to support you.

Our commitment goes beyond offering resources; we want to help sports communities become supportive environments where individuals can find help, encouragement, and practical strategies to navigate life's challenges. Find national links below.

Join us in prioritising wellbeing in Aotearoa and fostering resilience within the sports community. 

Need help immediately?

NZ Police

Call 111 and ask for Police when there is a serious risk to life.

Or call 105 when the matter is not an emergency but you still need assistance.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time, 24/7.

You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor or a peer support worker.

Mental Health Crisis Assessment Team

Phone numbers for mental health crisis services in your region HERE.

These are for emergencies only.

National Resources Around Mental Wellbeing 
Please check out the websites below to assist your awareness of resources available to you.

Le Va

Supporting health and well-being of Pasifika families.

09 261 3490


Resources and information on living with Bipolar.


Grief Centre

Offering loss and grief support to anyone in need.

0800 331 333

Depression Helpline

Need to reach out? Free call or text, 24/7.

0800 111 757


Simple information on a wide range of health conditions.


Aunty Dee

Free online tool to work through your troubles.



Interactive support and info on mental well-being.


Mental Health Foundation

Resources and information.

09 623 4810

Life Keepers

National suicide prevention training programme.

0800 022 273

National Resources Around Abuse
Please check out the websites below to assist your awareness of resources available to you.

Mana Mokopuna

Help and advice for whānau, parents and caregivers.

0800 224 453 ​​​​​​​

Women's Refuge

For women living with violence, or in fear.

0800 733 843

Rural Support

Rural people helping rural people.

0800 787 254

Oranga Tamariki

Supporting New Zealand children who may be in harm.

0508 326 459 

Shakti Crisis Line

For migrant/refugee women living with family violence.

0800 742 584


Support through trauma, loss and grief.

0800 299 100

Are You OK

Family violince awareness and support and services.

0800 456 450

Rape Crisis Helpline

For support after rape or sexual assault.

0800 883 300

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding and child protection strategies.

027 772 4469

Alcohol/Drug Helpline

Had enough? Give this helpine a call.

0800 787 797


Support for new parents, post-natal depression, etc.

0800 933 922

National Resources Around Suicide Help
Please check out the websites below to assist your awareness of resources available to you.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nationwide 24/7, free counselling service.

​​​​​​​0800 543 354


Free 24/7 youth helpline, confidential and safe.

0800 376 633


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time, 24/7.



Confidential support for the lonely or distressed.

0800 72 66 66

Depression Helpline

Need to reach out? Free call or text, 24/7.

0800 111 757

0800 What's Up

A safe place for Tamariki and Rangatahi to talk.

0800 942 8787 (11am - 11pm)


For general health advice from registered nurses.

0800 611 116

Te Whare Tapa Whā
The Four Pillars of Wellbeing

​​​​​​​"Te Whare Tapa Whā" is a Māori model of health developed by Sir Mason Durie, which views wellbeing through four interconnected dimensions:

  • Taha Tinana (physical health)
  • Taha Hinengaro (mental and emotional health),
  • Taha Whānau (family and social health), and
  • Taha Wairua (spiritual health)

Each dimension represents a wall of a house, emphasizing the need for balance and strength in all areas to achieve overall wellbeing.

    ​​​​​​​Taha Tinana
    (Physical Health)

    Tinana encompasses the importance of physical health, including exercise, nutrition, and medical care. A strong physical foundation supports overall wellbeing.

    Taha Hinengaro
    (Mental and Emotional Health)

    Hinengaro focuses on mental and emotional wellbeing. It includes thoughts, feelings, and how one copes with life and emotions. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and maintaining a positive mental state contributes to overall ​​​​​​​wellbeing.

    Taha Whānau
    (Family and Social Health)

    Whānau highlights the importance of family and social connections. Whānau (family) is central to Māori culture, providing a sense of belonging, support, and identity. Strong family and social bonds contribute significantly to one's

    Taha Wairua
    (Spiritual Health)

    Wairua focuses on spiritual wellbeing. It involves the values and beliefs that give meaning and purpose to life. For many, it includes a connection to heritage, ancestors, and the creation. Spiritual health is vital for a sense of belonging and peace.

    By addressing all four dimensions, "Te Whare Tapa Whā" provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and improving health. It emphasises that neglecting any one dimension can affect the others, and overall well-being is achieved through balance and harmony in all four areas.