Aotearoa Sports Sunday 2025
Each year, Sports Chaplaincy New Zealand collaborates with Global Sports Sunday - a call for churches to express God’s love for people in sport through prayer/karakia.
Every day, people of all cultures and communities around the world gather and enjoy sport. Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, around 4 million people of all ages and ethnicities engage in sport or active recreation weekly, with a large proportion of those in an organised sport. With this number of people involved in sport, praying for people in sport is very much an opportunity to pray for our nation.
Are you ready to get in the game? You can pick any day that works for you, or join in on our national date, May 18th 2025. Join us on Aotearoa Sports Sunday to pray for the world of sport!
Want your church to get involved?
We would love 100+ churches take up this initiative and focus one Sunday on the sports community on their doorstep.
SCNZ helps churches engage with the sporting community through providing pastoral care and wellbeing support to sports people at their point of need. Beyond this, there are many other ways churches can get involved with their neighbouring sports clubs and teams through acts of kindness and voluntary service.
Whether it's a 5 minute slot within your Sunday service, or a whole service dedicated to the world of sport, Aotearoa Sport Sunday will help you focus your church on the amazing opportunities for community engagement that sport presents.
Registration and resources are free!
How it works in three easy steps...
Step 1
Register your interest
Just fill out our registration form to let us know if you're keen to run a Sports Sunday at your church!
You can join us on May 18th 2025, or choose a week that works best for you and the church you're running Sports Sunday at.
Step 2
Get prepped
Speak to your church leader to plan the service outline.
Then, download our free resources in preparation for your Sports Sunday. We have lots on offer from sermon outlines through to ads for the church notices/screens.
Step 3
Sports Sunday!
Sport Sunday will help you focus your church on the amazing opportunities for community engagement that sport presents.
Register, get prepped, and ask the people in your church if they are willing to
SCNZ Charity Commission Code: CC49430 | © Sports Chaplaincy New Zealand. All rights reserved.