Remembering Who You Represent – John Akhwari


Don’t ignore those who value you, instead, value them back.
Positive Thoughts Quotes

Real Life

At the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico City, the last runner to cross the line in the marathon was honoured for his courage.

John Akhwari from Tanzania was a top marathon runner on the international stage but in this race, things did not go well.

During the race, Akhwari suffered significant cramping due to not having trained or competed at such a high altitude before. He pushed through those difficulties but then at the 19-kilometre mark disaster struck. The runners were jostling for position and in the midst of it, Akhwari fell heavily. He dislocated his knee and badly scraped and bruised his shoulder. Those who saw the fall assumed the only option for Akhwari was to withdraw from the race and be taken to hospital for treatment. That was not how Akhwari saw it. When he could, he got up and ran the remaining 23 kilometres to the finish. He finished the race over an hour after the winner, but the small crowd who were still there cheered him on as he crossed the line.

When asked later why he had finished the race when he was so badly injured he replied, ‘My country did not send me 5,000 miles to start the race; they sent me 5,000 miles to finish the race”

Bible Verses
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, consider others above yourself.
Philippians 2:3

In everything, set them an example by doing what is good.
Titus 2:7

Thinking About It

In the midst of the pain of his injury, Akhwari remembered who he represented. He knew people back home would be watching him and he knew the world was watching how he responded. He knew his government had funded him, his coach had invested in him and his family had supported him. The knowledge of all those people and what they had done to enable him to be there competing, prompted him to get up despite the pain and finish the race.


To compete in sport takes a great deal of personal commitment and determination, but it also takes the support of others. People drive us to trainings, coach us, help us recover from injuries, cheer for us, cover for us when we are away with our sport and encourage us when we are down. All these people are a part of our journey. They are a part of what we achieve.


The bible talks about not thinking more highly of ourselves that we ought to and remembering and valuing others (Romans 12:3). In so doing, it can further fuel our motivation to achieve, not out of a place of duty or guilt, but from a place of thankfulness for all those who are a part of our journey.


Lord thank You for all those who have been a part of my journey. Help me to remember and honour them for all they are doing to support me.


Author: Sarah Auld   |   Content Editor: Phil Pawley





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